Fall 2019 and Spring 2020(updated as of Jan 10, 2020)Areas of StudiesWashburn will accept visiting students from its partnership institutions. All students will be admitted on I-20 (F-1 visa) unless otherwise arranged.The following undergraduate majors (areas of studies) and business are available for fall 2018 – spring 2019. Undergraduate participants are typically sophomores and juniors when they reach Washburn. 1.1 Undergraduate StudiesEnglish (language and literature, creative writing, or education): Business (management, accounting, marketing, finance, and economics)Math including Actuary Science, and Statistics Computer Science/Computer Information Science Education Political Science (public administration, public relations)SociologySocial WorkAnthropologyPsychology Mass Media (Advertising, Public Relations, Journalism)Communication (focus on organization communication)HistoryPhilosophy / Religious Studies /Western Thoughts Art (painting and drawing) Music (voice, piano, brass, woodwind, percussion, strings, and music education) Biology and Chemistry (balanced 82 on iBT, or 6.5 on IELTS required)1.2 Graduate Studies Graduate studies are possible in several areas such as MBA, LLM./ JD, Other areas may also be available but need to be inquired and arranged ahead of time. Graduate student may have to take undergraduate courses. All graduate level students must have balanced 82 on the iBT or 6.5 on IELTS unless they plan to take undergraduate or intensive English language courses 1.3 Quota: During the next academic year, we are able to accommodate the need of each campus, thus no quota is set. Duration of Stay2.1 Visiting students will be admitted for fall 2020 – spring 2021. 2.2Student may also opt to stay for one semester under this program. Students who wish to stay beyond the one-year duration must seek permission from the home school and WU, and if approved, they will attend Washburn as regular international students and pay non-resident tuition.2.5Fall (mid August – mid December), Spring (early January – mid May) Finances3.1 Visiting students who are accepted will receive a scholarship in the form of tuition reduction during the exchange period but will pay full tuition beyond the exchange period. (A grade point average, or GPA, of 2.5 is required to qualify for this award. Students who fail to meet this standard after the first semester will be advised to return to their home institutions. If they choose to continue studying at Washburn, they will be required to pay full tuition and fees.)3.2 All visiting students will be responsible for all the other expenses (board & room, books, and health insurance, etc.). 3.3For clarity purposes, please note the following:3.3.1Tuitions: For each semester, the tuition and fees is approximately $5,900, which covers 12 undergraduate credit hours or 9 graduate credit hours. For Law School students enroll in the JD program / courses, the tuition & fee for each semester is $11,000, which covers 12 credit hours.The fees mentioned above also cover one semester of mandatory health insurance, student campus activities and international administrative services such as health screening, airport and local transportation, local tours, orientation, cultural events, and hospitalities. It is recommended that students pay tuition and fees (at the beginning of the semester) with a debit card. Students may also wire funds directly to Washburn.3.3.2Visiting students will take 12 credit hours of undergraduate classes (9 hours for graduate level classes). If more (than 12 or 9 for graduate level) hours are taken or graduate level courses or business classes are chosen by non-business students, the extra fees will be borne by the students. Graduate students electing to take undergraduate level classes must carry the equivalent of at least 12 credit hours. 3.3.3The other expenses not included in the tuition and fees include the following:Board & Room: $2800-$4800 per semester depending on the resident hall and meal plan chosen. More up-to-date information can be found under the following link:https://washburn.edu/student-life/housing-dining/costs.htmlText books: $800-1,500, depending on the major3.3.4Educational and living expenses and travel during winter, summer, and holiday breaks are not included and therefore will be extra, if students elect to participate.HousingStudents will be required to live on campus in the university dorms during their stay and must comply with all relevant rules and regulations. Visit the following site to learn more about living on campus: https://washburn.edu/student-life/housing-dining/housing-options.htmlApplication5.1Each participant must submit an application package, which, at the minimum, must include the following items.5.1.1Complete the application form on line and submit all required forms and documents by visiting the website: https://washburn.edu/academics/international-programs/international-students/index.htmlOn-line Application site:https://washburn.elluciancrmrecruit.com/international/pages/welcome.aspxTo summarize the requirements, in addition to the online application form, the following must also be submitted:5.1.2Financial Disclaimer and evidence of financial support such as bank statements5.1.3Transcripts (unofficial copy with departmental seal are accepted at the time of application. Once current semester’s grades are posted, student must send the official complete transcripts. Please note: Business-related majors must also submit a course description and syllabus for each of the business – related courses taken) 5.1.4Signed Disclaimer (see 7 below)5.1.5Recommendation of Participant (see 8 below) from the sending school5.1.6 A photo copy of the passport ID page, if available 5.1.7Application fee of $70 (Student can go to local Bank of China to purchase a bank check or cashier’s check.)5.1.8Evidence of TOEFL or IELTS score, if available; CET-6 and TEM scores can also be sent for advisory purposes. 5.2English proficiency requirement5.2.1 Washburn assumes that participants selected by the home school meet Washburn’s minimum English proficiency requirement. Therefore, a TOEFL (iBT) or IELTS score is not required to submit an application but is strongly encouraged. However, either a certificate of CET-6 or TEM is required for admissions. Washburn may give an internal test on certain partnership schools. The test result can replace iBT and IELTSStudents with an adequate iBT or IELTS or Washburn’s internal test score can have the privilege of pre-enrolling in classes before arriving at Washburn. Students without a test score will be tested and screened using an internal test after they arrive on campus. If lack of proficiency is determined by the test score, the student is required to enroll in and complete all required intensive English classes. 5.3Transcripts 5.3.1Because the current semester’s courses may still be in progress during the application process, only a preliminary (or unofficial) copy of the transcripts with a departmental seal is required. Transcripts should be in both Chinese and English5.3.2Once the current semester grades are posted, an official copy with the appropriate university seal must be submitted. This may happen after the student is admitted.5.3.3Business-related majors must also submit a course description and syllabus for each of the business – related courses taken (such as economics, finance, accounting, marketing, management, banking, investment, insurance, information systems, etc.)5.4 Financial Papers5.4.1A photo copy of the original bank deposit showing a minimum of 140,000 RMB or 20,000 USD. Keep the original for visa interview.5.4.2There is no need to freeze the bank deposit.5.5 Housing 5.5.1Once admitted, students will be notified by Washburn International Programs Office to apply for housing with more instructions.5.5.2On-campus housing must be secured before a student can arrive at Washburn otherwise the student may have to delay studying at Washburn.5.6 Typical attributes of a successful candidate:5.6.1 At least above average in overall grade and good English skills, both oral and written5.6.2 Strong ability in learning and processing new information with intellectual curiosity5.6.3Strong sense of social responsibility, social justice, and community service5.6.4Positive life attitude, world outlook, and good moral and aesthetic judgment5.6.5Strong leadership and coordinating skills, creative skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills.5.6.6 Strong adaptability and flexibility with an open mind and open heart5.6.7 Strong ability in receiving, interpreting, processing, and following rules5.6.8 Willing to follow all university and federal rules and regulations5.6.9 Willing to orient future visiting students about studying at Washburn5.6.10 Having adequate funds to finance studies and living during the visitOthers6.1Suggested Processing timetable (for office of the partnership school)Fall 2020Jan. 20: Students getting information from schoolFeb. 26: Student apply on line and send all related documents to Washburn. March 19: Washburn will send acceptance papers to students to apply for student visaAugust 13: Students arriving at WashburnSpring 2021Oct. 10: Students getting information from schoolNov. 10: Student apply on line and send all related documents to Washburn. Dec. 3: Washburn will send acceptance papers to students to apply for student visaJan. 6-8: Students arriving at Washburn6.2Logistics and Miscellaneous 6.2.1Airport: Students are advised to use the Kansas City International Airport (code: MCI) during the time recommended. Free airport pickup during a specified 2-day period to be announced later6.2.2Dorm: a pillow and a blanket will be provided free of charge6.2.3Payment of tuition & fees: Debit card will be most convenient. International wires will also be accepted. Using Visa or Master card will be assessed a 3% convenience fee. 6.2.4Application package should be turned to your school’s international office to be mailed together to the following address:International ProgramsWashburn University1700 SW College Avenue Topeka, KS 66621USA6.2.5Once fully admitted and a Washburn Identification Number (WIN) assigned, students with the TOEFL or IELTS score may pre-enroll in classes with the understanding that the courses chosen may be adjusted after arriving at Washburn according to the score. Students without TOEFL or IELTS score will have to wait till they arrive at Washburn to take a screening test first before they can select classes.Disclaimer--Visiting students must read and sign off the following:7.1In the US, individuals aged 18 and older are considered adults. They are fully responsible for their own safety and actions, and for the consequences of their behavior.7.2Students are expected to abide by all university and government rules and regulations. Violations of them will result in losing the visiting student status, therefore paying full tuition and fees, dismissal from the University, or even deportation from the US. 7.3All visiting students need to have adequate financial support before arriving at Washburn and are responsible for all relevant expenses. Students will not be allowed to work off-campus during the visiting period. On-campus employment is possible but limited.7.4Students may not transfer to another school during the visiting period. If they decide to do so, they must return to the home institution first and seek permission. 7.5Students may not live off campus during the visiting period and have to abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to Residential Living.7.6A grade point average (gpa) of 2.5 minimum of Washburn courses and with no failing or repeated grade in any of the courses taken is required to qualify for the visiting student status for tuition purposes. Students who fail to meet this standard after the first semester they will be required to pay full tuition (non-resident tuition) the second semester if they choose to continue studying at Washburn. 7.7There may be a mid-year evaluation at the end of the first semester for the students planning to stay for a year. The evaluation will cover student’s academic progress and his/her behavior related to university rules, code of conduct and federal regulations. If a student fails to pass the evaluation, he/she may be required to return to the home institution.7.8Students without an official iBT or IELTS or Washburn’s internal test score will be tested upon arrival at Washburn. Students must complete and cannot skip the intensive English courses required based on their level of proficiency as evidenced by test scores.7.9There is no guarantee students can take certain courses they need or like because of curriculum and capacity constraints and/or prerequisites. Students must be prepared to take related or general education courses if courses in their majors are not available. 7.10The information including the tuition and fee structure provided is accurate at the time of dissemination. They are subject to change without notice. The most up- to-date official information can be found on the university web page or policy book. By signing below, I understand and agree to the Disclaimer described above (7.1-7.10).Signature _____________________ Print Name ________________ Date ___________Recommendation of Participant (This form must be completed and submitted by the sending school authority with the application.)Name of Student:Major: Gender: M, FDate of Birth:If available: CET-6 score___, TEM-4___, or TEM-8Duration of Intended Stay: 1 Semester ___; 2 Semesters ___; other (please specify) ____Person/Agency Completing This Form:Date:Verification by the International Office: Date:*****************************************************************************Please rate the student’s ability on the following scale to the best of your knowledge. Excellent Good Average Weak Learning abilityCritical thinking skillsKnowledge baseEnglish skillsCreativity & intellectual curiosity Leadership skillsProblem solving skillsSocial ResponsibilityInterpersonal skillsCommunication skillsAdaptabilityRecord of respecting rules & regulationsDevotion / dedication to studies Mental & emotional stabilitySelf-discipline & self-relianceDependability Overall maturity (Rev. Jan 10, 2020)附件1美国华盛本大学Washburn University 华盛本大学建于1865年,是美国中西部历史最悠久的高校之一。该校位于堪萨斯州府特碧卡市(Topeka, Kansas),校园占地约1500亩,现有学生约7,000人,其中包括来自30多个国家的近300名留学生。华盛本是一所教学型公立综合性大学,下设文理学院、法学院、商学院、护理学院, 应用学院和技术学院。该校以小班教学著称,师生比例为1:18。在《美国新闻与世界报道》全美公立硕士类大学排行榜中,华盛本连年被列入美国中西区前10名、全美前40名内。《亚洲记者》(Asian Correspondent)曾将该校列入全美国最具活力的25所大学。该校商学院属全球商学院顶级协会-AACSB正式成员。法学院负有盛名,是 “美国法学学会” (American Bar Association)第一批成员校;其法学写作专业(Legal Writing)稳居全美前十。该校的创作专业(Creative Writing)颇具区域影响力;堪萨斯州的年度作家和桂冠诗人多次出自该专业。学校议会式辩论队(Parliamentary Debate) 历来是全美强队;2015、2016、2018连年击败包括华盛顿大学、加大伯克利分校、杜克大学等强队夺得全美团体冠军。体现学校底蕴和校友群反哺母校的“永久基金”(University Endowment)1.5亿美元, 在全美众多公立同类高校中居第25位。校友中有1971诺贝尔医学奖得主俄尔 ∙ 萨得伦、前美国参议院多数党领袖和1996年共和党提名总统候选人包伯 ∙ 多尔、韩国LG集团前总裁具滋斗、前美国大陆航空公司总裁葛乐戈 ∙ 布莱曼等知名人士。韩国前总统金大中于1987年获颁该校名誉博士学位。华盛本大学重视国际教育并与国际上近40所高等院校保持友好合作关系。华盛本在中国地区的合作院校包括复旦大学外语学院、厦门大学国际关系学院和公共事务学院、南开大学、同济大学管理学院、西南交通大学传媒艺术学院、上海外国语大学英语学院和国际教育学院、兰州大学、四川音乐学院、西华大学、成都大学、浙江师范大学、上海师范大学、以及台湾的东海大学和国立台湾艺术大学等。过去10年里, 接待了来自以上学校的交换生、访问学者500余人。华盛本男子篮球队于2006年前往中国访问并与浙江大学等友谊比赛。华盛本军乐队和爵士乐队于2007、2009在北京师范大学、清华大学、中国音乐学院、天津大学、天津音乐学院等院校访问演出,获得好评。华盛本大学国际部网址为附件2申请材料清单填写网上申请表并缴$70申请费:(并邮寄以下材料. 如有可能, 请将材料交给学校有关 部门统一邮寄.) https://washburn.elluciancrmrecruit.com/international/pages/welcome.aspx"财产保证表白- FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER"和" (交了网上报名表后会自动显示)和银行存款证明(要保证至少够一学年的资金—2万美元(约12-13万人民币), 但无须冻结. 影印一份即可, 原件留着签证时用.成绩单: 申请时交不含本学期课程的成绩单(中英文双语) (学院盖章即可). 等本学 期成绩公布后, 交完整的官方成绩单一份(中英文双语), 商学院同学须备每门商学 类课程介绍和教学大纲."学生保证书-Disclaimer" "推荐表格-Recommendation" 护照首页(如能提供)托福或雅思成绩 (如能提供)大学英语六级或专业英语四、八级证书(如果没有托福、雅思成绩)附件3部分交换生感言复旦大学华盛本的这一学期是我人生中至今为止过得最快乐,最充实的半年,我在这里经历了不同的校园文化,不同的娱乐生活,在学业上不断挑战自我。朋友老师们给我的爱让我终身难忘。说真的,我舍不得离开。如果要有四个字描述这段旅程,只能是——不虚此行。 (复旦大学英语学院- 叶坤铠)华盛本大学是一个积极、阳光的地方,这里的人们满怀着对生活的激情和勇气不断向前,我为这种环境而感动和鼓舞。不论我需要什么样的帮助,老师和同学都在第一时间向我伸出援手,是他们帮助我渡过了困难的调整时期,也向我展示了一个完全不同的世界。在这里的一学期,我不仅收获了知识和友谊,也发现了看待世界的新视角。谢谢你们! ( 复旦大学外国语学院 – 徐纬良)在华盛本交流的半年,我对自己所学的专业有了更深入、更全面的了解。不仅是因为来到英语母语国家学习的原因,更是因为文学课上老师、同学们自由地交流,这种思想的碰撞让我非常受益。文学作品没有定式的解读,每个人看待问题的角度也各不相同,正是因为如此,我尝试着从一些全新的角度去理解、去思考。看到之前来过华盛本的学姐说,“每一个来过这里的人都会变得更加自信、更加快乐、更加幸福。”我相信其中的自信,有相当一部分来自于老师们友善的鼓励。他们总能从我们的发言/essay/response中找到闪光点,并且给予慷慨的肯定。华盛本的活动也很丰富多彩,国际化的环境让我在这些活动中不仅加深了对美国文化的认知度,也拓宽了对各国文化的认识。大家友好的交流让我切实的感受到和而不同的可能性,以及它得以实现后的魅力。我由衷地感激华盛本给予我的这学期. (复旦大学外国语学院 -王一诺)上海外国语大学华盛本大学的教学资源很丰富,老师们都很亲切负责,让我能够更快的适应美国生活。课堂是小型课程,我认为我们往往可以从这样的课程学到更多。华盛本会经常举办有趣有意义的活动,尤其对国际学生。在这里,我结识了很多来自不同国家的朋友,深刻了解了美国本土生活文化,收获颇丰。在生活方面,设施都很全面。欢迎更多的同学来到华盛本大学, it’s awesome!(上海外国语大学国际教育学院 - 李艳婷)It's fantastic to study at Washburn University. I got to know many nice people here. Everyone is so friendly that sometimes I even forget I'm a foreigner. I also feel motivated to study since every professor teaches with enthusiasm in WU. I really enjoy the active learning process. As an international student, I also participated in many awesome activities held by the International House, which not only entertained me but also broadened my horizon. "Have a nice day" is not only a daily greeting, but also the reality in Washburn. (上海外国语大学国际教育学院 – 周逸灵)当接机的车子行入Topeka这座静谧、干净、美丽的小城,我就被她的魅力震慑了。看习惯了上海成片的高楼大厦和灰蒙蒙的天空,Topeka各有特色的小别墅、总是蓝的不可思议的天空,还有高大古朴的树木,无不在彰显着这里的安逸和舒适。而Washburn就坐落在这么一座城里,她有极好的商学院、体贴尽职的宿舍管理员、无微不至的international house、丰富有趣的活动、设备先进齐全的健身房......在这里,我体会到了真正的美国文化,不管是热情洋溢还是幽默风趣,在教室、在食堂、在路上,无时不刻都在体验着、欣赏着。我喜欢这里的好客,这里的贴心,这里的严谨,我受益良多。(胡海蓓, 上海外国语大学商务英语专业,
[email protected])在华盛本大学交流的这一个学期是我大学生活中非常宝贵的一段经历。在Washburn自由开放的校园环境中能够扎实地学到很多东西。这里的教授以学生为本,以专业的水平和热心的教导在学习上给予了我很大的帮助。在课余时间,I-House提供了很多机会让我们参加校内外的各项活动,不论是游览托皮卡市、堪萨斯城,还是参与Homecoming的游行,或是与Friendship Family结对,都让我们实实在在地感受到了美国的社会文化。在Washburn收获的不仅是学习上的进步和提升,更是一段难得的人生体验。(钱晨, 上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业,
[email protected])在华盛本交流的一学期对我来说是非常珍贵的留学经历。和国内相对轻松的大学教育相比,这里的课堂教学质量扎实很多;学术氛围也更为严谨。 Washburn商学院课程的作业量非常大,我经常需要牺牲双休日甚至假期复习或赶论文,有时候会觉得非常辛苦非常累。但是回首这一学期, 可以毫不夸张地说,这半年是我大学至今真正收获丰硕的半年,非常充实的半年。其次,与host family相处的 经历也令我毕生难忘。他们的善良和爱心让我备受震撼,他们为我树立了人生榜样。当然, 秋假的西雅图之行也是那么的精彩,美食美景以及旅途中结识的朋友们都是我人生中最珍贵的记忆!我想,Washburn或许不是最顶尖的大学,但是它的价值不能用排名决定,在这里你绝对能学到很多,见识很多,不会后悔到此一遭! (王珊 上海外国语大学 商务英语专业
[email protected])来美国最初的目的是想要提高英语,但来华盛本后才发现,真正重要的是遇到的这些人,从他们身上学到的品质。来这里,我看到了努力提高口语,社交能力,融入美国文化的学长学姐;看到活力四射组织好每一场社团活动的主席。感受到教职人员乐于帮助学生解决每一个问题的敬业精神;感受到托皮卡人民热心友善。感谢I house组织的各项活动,带着国际学生感悟美国,downtown游,countryside游,campfire,每一次都是新奇的体验。在此还要特别感谢我的host family, Eunice,带着我体验了实实在在的美国生活,烘培,看球赛,装饰圣诞树,还一起度过了一个传统的感恩节。我在华盛本学业繁忙,厨艺大长,生活丰富,心怀感激。 (鲁漪婷, 上海外国语大学,
[email protected])在华盛本大学我度过了大学生涯十分难忘的一个学期。宁静的校园和湛蓝的天空让人心旷神怡。在这里,有友好的美国同学和其他国际学生和我交谈,有友善认真的老师为我指点迷津,有热情好客的Host Family带我体验真正的Topeka生活,还有各种学校组织提供有趣的校园活动。在华盛本我受益良多,带回国的并非是满满的行李箱,而是满满的回忆。 (丁梦悦, 上海外国语大学,
[email protected])同济大学 踏入Washburn的那一天,从来没有想过这里的生活经历会让我改变我原先的计划。我本来是交换一个学期的,但是最后我申请了延期一个学期,这里的老师非常热情的帮助我办理申请延期的相关事宜。 到了这里,我发现健康生活的心态无处不在。虽然有心理准备,但是来到Washburn才发现作业,测验,发表什么的比想象的要多,这哪里是惬意的大学生活呀,这不是赶高考的节奏吗?但是,任何时候,你都可以看到体育馆里面的人头攒动。他们把握着学习和锻炼之间的节奏。我也开始慢慢的学着跟着这个节奏,平衡劳逸。他们鼓励你学习,为了让你可以舒服的学习,在学校的各个地方,摆出各种姿势的桌子、椅子、沙发,供你学习。我曾经问过一位老师为什么这样做。他说,我们知道每个学生都有自己的学习习惯,我们这样做就是希望他们学习的效率更高。他们鼓励你去锻炼身体,学校体育馆里有数量众多又非常好的健身器材,有免费的健身课程,恒温游泳池,专业篮球场,网球场,足球场,羽毛球,棒球场,美式足球场等等,满足你各种体育爱好。 互帮互助,无论你来自那个国家,这边没有国家之分。你总是看到各个国家的同学一起在高兴的聊着天,不时发出阵阵笑声。学长们的功劳当然是最大的,衣食住行各个问题一一细心指导,有时甚至上升到专职司机,带着你从沃尔玛到商场,从银行到市中心,不辞辛苦,让人感动!老师们非常热情,你有任何问题都可以找到他们,他们都会热情的帮你解决,或者提供解决的信息。本地的居民同样热情,经常举办很多有趣的活动。值得特别提出的是这边有很多针对国际学生的活动项目,比如,Host Family, Movie Night,真的非常的好,在结识新朋友的同时,也提高了你的英语能力。一片和谐! 自立,美国特色。美国学生的自立着实让我感到吃惊。二十岁不到的学生,他们很多自己贷款交学费,自己课余时间打工挣自己的生活费。想想自身的经历,确实还有很多需要学习提高的。在Washburn, 我看到了阔别已久的蓝天白云,人和人以及人和周围生态环境的和谐相处。这里没有到处飞散的白色垃圾,这里到处都是翠绿翠绿的草坪和松鼠们在上面欢乐嬉闹的大树。体育馆旁边的小池塘里,那几条小鱼仔在无忧无虑的游来游去,也不用担心下一秒会不会成为谁的盘中餐!如果有可能,我还想再来--My Washburn. (同济大学 汪涛
[email protected])树荫夹道行,松鼠傍地走。初来乍到时,我误以为进入了公园而非校园。而更引人入胜的是华盛本自由的校园文化、学术氛围与发展机遇。华盛本的每个学生在这里为自己的学术专业、职业生涯、和未来生活染上了更多的色彩。 (程希 同济大学金融专业,
[email protected])宁静, 美丽,是Washburn的校园。我喜爱校园清晨的钟声,清脆而又悠长!我喜爱校园里的松鼠, 挺拔的大树和广阔的绿地,处处都是这么亲切和自然!丰富, 有序又充满了创新,是WU校园里的活动。音乐会,画廊,讲座,话剧,比赛,节日,晚会,庆典,群体的,个人的,学校的,教堂的,应接不暇,赞叹连连!多元和国际化,是Washburn的学生。我交往到了来自各个大洲的朋友,为前面的事业又增加了无限的可能,喜爱和他们交谈,交换,探讨机会,共同发展! 纯朴,热情,是Topeka这里的人民。每次参加欢迎国际学生的Dinner, 都会品尝到我从来不知道的食物,得到让我惊喜的礼品!尊重和激发,是Washburn老师的魅力。每次问问题,老师不仅耐心专注地倾听,解答,并给予极大的鼓励和谢意,让人不得不对老师顿生敬畏,折服! 竞争又积极地分享,是Washburn的课堂。同学们的Presentations是直抵问题,见解犀利,学以致用! (单保存,同济大学2010国际在Washburn这短短的半年时间里,给我的生活带来了翻天覆地的变化和不可磨灭的影响。如果有机会,我很愿意回到这里继续我的学业和生活。Washburn不大,但为我们提供的舞台很大,Washburn不算是顶尖学府,却有着最认真负责的教授以及和蔼可亲的导师。在这里,我不仅仅学到了知识,更多的是如何战胜自己,克服生活及学习上的种种难题。从最初的不适应到如今的深深眷恋,Washburn让我成长了很多,也让我结识了一群志同道合的好友们。选择来Washburn交流是我人生中做得最为正确的决定之一。 (王晨芸, 同济大学 09管理科学与工程,
[email protected])厦门大学Life is short, please go out and see the world. After you come to Washburn, you will experience a lot; all is worthy. Don’t stop your steps, don’t hesitate, don’t be afraid. You deserve this lovely Washburn life. (厦门大学 国际关系学院 白悦凝)华盛本交流的八个月给我的大学生活留下了美好的回忆。从美丽的海滨厦门来到辽阔的中部堪萨斯,不同的风土人情,不同的校园文化给了我别样的收获。华盛本开发的学术氛围,热情亲切的老师给予了我在学习上的新的领悟与理解。最令我印象深刻的是课堂上同学们积极发表自己的观点,老师与同学间,同学与同学间流畅的交流使课本上的知识更加具体生动。华盛本的活跃课堂让我每天期待上课,期待听到同学们新的、有趣的想法。交流的时光不仅带给我知识的增长,更激发了我探索新的知识的动力。(厦门大学, 公共事务学院本科2010级公共管理学系, 徐昊楠,
[email protected])比起纽约、洛杉矶那些繁华的大都市,我更喜欢Topeka这座小城,游历了美国一圈,最后发现,还是这里最像美国,还是这里最像家。这里,没有纽约的繁华,没有洛杉矶的梦幻,没有拉斯维加斯的震撼。这里,有的只是蓝天白云,有的只是牛马牧场,有的只是对你微笑的陌生人,有的只是视你为己出的友好家庭,有的只是真心关心你在乎你的教授,有的只是背景各样但一样友好的同学室友。这里,有一种力量,能让你放下所有防备去真心对待每一个人。与之前预想的不一样的是,这里的学习压力并不小,美国人也不像我们想的那样每天生活得轻松自在。相反,他们的勤工俭学,他们的自给自足,却让我万分汗颜。那是一种打心底的佩服,比起他们的努力,自己的那点成绩真的算不了什么。学习任务虽多,但是每天都很开心,因为你知道,只要你努力就会有成果。师生间的直接交流与鼓励,教给你的,更多的是相信自己,挑战自己,超越自己。以前,我可能不曾听说过Topeka,但是以后,Topeka对我来说,将是美国的代言。(厦门大学, 公共事务学院本科2010级社会工作系, 李雪婷,
[email protected])只要你留心,大洋彼岸的这个世界每天都可以带给你惊喜,因为一切都是那么的不同。 在Topeka,你会发现更多的人冲你微笑,向你问好,善良到让你发现世界可以这么美好。这里会有张开双臂欢迎你的本地家庭,会有见到你无比兴奋的本地同学,会有让你真正愿意去了解去钻研的知识,会有和你聊得火热的教授,会有让你不好意思窝在屋子里的体育馆,也会有让你忍不住咽口水的烤肉和小甜点……你可以看到外面的世界,原来这么大这么美,你会开始感叹,原来生活也可以这样。一切都是新的,也必定是令你受益匪浅的。(厦门大学, 公共事务学院本科2010级社会学系, 张千惠,
[email protected])在美国的两个学期,有一种猛然间回到高三的感觉,美国大学的文科课程要求的阅读量很大,对于一个国际学生来说,确实有一定的难度,不过好在这里的教授都乐于帮助学生,尤其是给予国际学生特殊的照顾,教授们对于学生提出的每一个问题都相当重视,并且都会肯定学生们的观点,这样一来,不仅有利于学生自信心的积累,也给学生更多的学习动力,这大概就是我们常说的以人为本,因材施教吧!举个例子来说,一篇历史论文,教授先提出论题,然后给我们大量的阅读资料用以了解相关的背景知识,我们写出thesis statement后,教授会找每一个学生单独谈谈论文的构思、结构、论点等内容,写好后,并不是上交论文就算完成任务,还要进行多次修改,直到达到教授的要求。这个过程中不仅提高了英文的阅读、写作和交流能力,更是对学习方法和学术能力的培养,让我受益匪浅。这一年,也接触到了美国的社会。华盛本的日常生活条件自然不能与厦门相比,这里并没有很多的娱乐,不过学校还是会适时安排一些课余活动来调解一下单调的生活。人们常说,读万卷书,行万里路,这的确有利于我们增长见识,扩大视野,一年的交流时间里,西部、东部、中部都留下了我的足迹,深深感受着这个世界上唯一的超级大国带给我的惊喜。而这一切也将成为我毕生珍贵的回忆,深深印在我的脑海。(厦门大学, 国际关系学院, 高雨杰,
[email protected])来美国交流的一年里,我感受到了很不一样的文化和教育方式,读万卷书不如行万里路,每个人都要到外面走一走才能看到不一样的风景,在国门外看国门内感触也不相同。此外,Topeka真是个非常漂亮宁静的地方,风光好心情也好。(厦门大学, 公共事务学院本科2010级社会学系, 温中博,
[email protected])我喜欢美国的自由和大码衣服,我喜欢Kansas这个美国最中心的州,我喜欢Topeka小小不繁华的感觉,我喜欢Washburn自由自在的课程,我喜欢穿着马靴絮絮叨叨的Ellis教授,我喜欢Village自己的厨房。最喜欢的,是美国便利的残疾人通道和入口。对了,还有I-House。无处不在的Andy,省钱巨厉害的International Club的副社长Alex,还有“最像老师”的百里。这里挺不错的,值得来一趟。不过,这没有好混的成绩,有没完没了的作业,有一学期四次的阶段考,有只能缺课三次的考勤,还有烦死人的写作规范,最难的还是成篇成篇的英语文献。嘿嘿,来不来在你们啦~~~ (厦门大学, 公共事务学院本科2010级公共管理学系, 赵聪,
[email protected])用一句话来概括华盛本大学:简单却精致。校园如此,校园中的人也如此。另外,对人格的尊重,是华盛本大学让我感触最多的地方。在这里,浮躁的心情能够平静下来。虽然平时课业很重,但能够真正的学有所得。不仅是知识上的积累,还有思想上的开阔。总之,明白自己想要什么,华盛本会让你有所收获。 (杨婷, 厦门大学08公共事务学院政治系,
[email protected] or
[email protected])来到Washburn,就好似来到了堪萨斯大平原上的庄园,整个校园宁静、旷远而深邃。这里的每天都令人舒畅; 新鲜的空气沁人心脾,活泼的小松鼠在丛间跳跃,碧蓝的天空广阔无边和绿绿的草原在天尽头相接。每天除了去上课去图书馆,可以去看各种体育竞赛, 参加Party,Go clubbing, 忙碌的学习之余也有了生活的情趣。Topeka虽是一座小城,但是它远离尘嚣,使人感受到很多生命中最本真的东西,最质朴的感情。非常高兴能够在Washburn交流,这里我看到了一个不同的世界,也看到了不同的自己,同时感受到了更真实的生活。 (张佳宁, 厦门大学 2007级 公共事务学院 公共管理系,
[email protected])对于我来说,华盛本大学是认识美国社会、文化、教育等等方面的很好的平台;是提高英语水平,适应美国大学教育的极佳选择;是提升自身素质,开拓眼界的难得机会。花园般的学校,安静的首府小城,和蔼的教授,友爱的美国同学,热情的友好家庭,美好的假期旅行…… 在WU的日子必是我人生旅途上浓墨重彩的一栈! (陈伟, 厦门大学 2007级 公共事务学院,
[email protected])乐于助人的教授,热心善良的员工,友善风趣的学生,淳朴怡然的民风......Washburn就是这么一个地方,没有壮丽的校园,但是却有着安逸的治学环境;没有拥挤的人流,但却有着老师亲历亲为的指导。在这里,收获的不仅有知识,还有友谊。Washburn是一个让自己由一个中国人走向“世界人”的平台,是为自己的未来打下坚实基础的一个好机会。(葛藤, 厦门大学公共事务学院,
[email protected])刚踏上这片异国的土地时,抱着的是好奇与探索的心境。尝试了汉堡,披萨与热狗,也开始了背包旅行的际遇。开始每天上下课的紧张学习,心里是紧张与张惶。但十几个人的小班让课堂讨论变得热烈与自由自在。于教授的密切互动又让你的学习变得有趣而生动。与世界各地的同学交往,语言不再是沟通的障碍。Topeka式的幽默,热情的西部牛仔舞步,让你身在异国仍不觉孤单,好像认识老朋友一般。我从此爱上这里的生活,从刚来时的恨光阴蠕行,归乡之日遥遥无期,到现在的恨时光匆匆归去,离境之日近睫,不免有些许伤感。这里的“爸妈”,姐妹,以及在异国探索的经历,让我永记于这一年。(刘慧敏: ,Naomi Liu, 厦门大学公共事务学院政治学系
[email protected])